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Rules and Regulations

Milsim Mercs. Safety Rules and Guidelines






a. All people within the wastelands must wear a uniform that matches the team that they signed up for. 

Raiders : The General clothing material must be black. Gear and smaller clothing items may be of any color. Personnel should be easily recognized as a Raider due to the majority of the uniform being black. 

Survivors : The General clothing material may be of any color of any mixture but may not include black. Small items such as gear, pouches, holsters may be black. This team will be easily recognized due to having color in their uniforms.






a. Eye protection (eyepro) must be worn at all times without exception. Milsim Mercs will not be responsible for injuries caused by participants who take their eyepro off during the event. Eye protection must meet ANSI Z87.1 standards and must make a reasonable seal around the wearer’s eyes. Milsim Mercs staff reserves the right to refuse any eye protection at any time that they deem unsafe.





a. All replicas used at Milsim Mercs events must follow the below guidelines:



Be a 6mm airsoft replica.



Not be a BB gun or modified BB gun.



Be an airsoft approved replica explosive (Thunder B, Tag, Tornado, etc.)



Capable of being put on ‘safe’.



b. All replicas used in Milsim Mercs events must chronograph and be tagged by an Milsim Mercs staff before use in the event.



c. While in a ‘staging area’ replicas must be placed on safe or holstered.



d. All replicas should be cleared before entering a ‘safe area’ or at the conclusion of an event. Clearing procedures are outlined in section 3.





a. Should a real world emergency arise participants are required to advise everyone in their vicinity by exclaiming “BLIND MAN!”



b. If a player hears “BLIND MAN” they should immediately stop where they are and put their replica on safe.



c. “BLIND MAN” should be called when a player has been injured, they have an eye protection malfunction, or a participant sees an immediate hazard in the event that could place others in danger of injury.





a. No participants shall be bound by any device, rope, or zip tie.



b. Roleplaying staff may be ‘bound’ as long as the below stipulations are met:



The roleplaying staff member must allow it.



The roleplaying staff member’s hands must be bound in the front. It is unauthorized to bind anyone’s hands behind their back.



The bindings must be loose and easily escapable for the roleplaying staff member. Roleplaying staff will not attempt to escape despite the loose bindings. This is solely for safety reasons.



If devices are used, such as hand cuffs, the device must have a ‘safety’ mechanism that allows for the roleplaying staff member to



remove or loosen the device as needed.



General Tactical Training Rules






a. The minimum age to attend is 14. Players between the ages of 14 and 17 must be accompanied by an adult of 18 years or older during the event. The accompanying adult will be held responsible for under-age player’s actions.





a. Surrender, or “Bang” rules are NOT used at Milsim Mercs events.





a. The No Conflict Rule is intended to drive comradery through the community, prevent escalation of situations, and allow other participants to continue enjoying the event.



b. Milsim Mercs staff and leadership are the only authoritarian figures in the event. As a participant you do not have any authority over another participant.



c. No participant shall attempt to resolve an issue with another participant themselves and will instead seek out an admin to resolve the issue. This helps prevent ruining the experience for other participants as well as prevents the situation from possibly escalating.



d. No participant shall yell or scream at another player unless in jest.



e. No participant shall call another participant’s ‘hits’. If a participant is not following the rules they should be brought a staff member’s attention.



f. No participant shall threaten other participants whether verbally or physically, such as posturing. Threatening another participant is an immediate ejection from the event.



g. No participant shall conduct violence on another participant. Violence towards another participant during and Milsim Mercs event is an immediate ejection from the event.



h. Public shaming of other participants via online media sources may result in a ban from future Milsim Mercs events. If there is a problem during the event, bring it to the staff’s attention so that we may resolve it.Section 4: Casualties, Medical & Armor Rules






a. During daylight hours all participants are required to have a red piece of cloth (dead rag) on their person at any given time.



b. During nighttime hours all participants are required to have a red light glow-stick (dead light), either chemical or electric, on their person at any given time.






a. Participants struck by a BB from a replica, in the kill radius of a replica explosive, tapped by a melee weapon from behind, or otherwise instructed by Milsim Mercs staff, must immediately exclaim “HIT!” and then considered ‘wounded’. ‘Wounded’ participants are required to have a dead rag or dead light clearly visible.



b. Roleplaying, acting out, moaning or calling for medical aid is permitted while ‘wounded’.



c. ‘Wounded’ participants are not allowed to communicate ongoing event information such as enemy locations, enemy numbers, or any other information that may aid still ‘living’ players in the event.



d. ‘Wounded’ participants must serve a minimum of five minutes as ‘wounded’ as a ‘bleed-out’ time before declaring themselves ‘dead’. However, there is no maximum time limit for a participant to ‘bleed out’.



e. ‘Dead’ participants are considered no longer an active participant in the event and may only be ‘revived’ by a teammate.



f. ‘Wounded’ participants are highly encouraged to perform some form of roleplaying when ‘hit’.





a. ‘Wounded’ participants may be dragged to safety for ‘first aid’ but must follow the below guidelines:



Inform the ‘wounded’ participant you wish to ‘carry’ them and acquire the ‘wounded’ participant’s approval.



Two other ‘alive’ participants must be used to ‘carry’ a ‘wounded’ participant.



b. The only authorized ‘carry’ for ‘wounded’ participants is the with the ‘wounded’ participant’s feet on the ground, capable of holding their own weight, and with both arms slung over the two ‘carrying’ participant’s shoulders.



c. If one of the ‘carrying’ participants is ‘wounded’ then the other ‘carrying’ participant must immediate stop moving with the ‘carried’ ‘wounded’ participant and ‘drop’ him.



d. If contact between the ‘wounded’ participant and either of the ‘carrying’ participants is broken then the ‘wounded’ participant must remain in position until that connection is re-established.






a. Participants who are ‘wounded’ can be revived by the use of bandages or tourniquets. Bandages or tourniquets may be used from either the ‘dead’ participant or the ‘alive’ participant. It is suggested that players keep their own bandages or tourniquets. The bandages or tourniquets must be placed around the ‘wounded’ player’s arms and be clearly visible.






b. Participants are forbidden from ‘reviving’ themselves.






c. All participants may be ‘revived’ 2 TIMES by default. After revives are used player must return to spawn.






d. if searched you must give up any loose ammo (not actively in a magazine) or any Intel per death






e. Participants who ‘die’ are encouraged not to provide information to others that they learned before ‘dying’. For example, if you see an enemy sniper but fail to disclose this information to others before ‘dying’ then you should refrain from telling others after ‘respawning’.







3.1 Replica FPS,and General Replica Safety



a. AT ALL TIMES, ALL AIRSOFT WEAPONS MUST BE TREATED AS IF THEY ARE REAL FIREARMS. All guests must transport their guns in a safe manner. Specifically, your gun must be unloaded and carried in a soft or hard shell case suitable for real firearms until you are in Staging. No firing allowed in any areas other than fields of play during "game on" or chronograph area. Always handle your weapon as if it is always loaded. Never point it at anything you do not want to harm. There are no exceptions.



b. A paintball barrel cover must be on every gun used (pistols may be in proper holster) and remain on gun in staging unless ALL the following is disconnected, removed, or void:



1) Magazines and bolts (if applicable)



2) Bb's



3) Gas is removed or void



4) Safety on



5) Electronics disconnected



c. All airsoft weapons must have trigger guards. All pressure regulated airsoft weapons, i.e. Polarstar, using high pressure air source, should have a tournament lock to prohibit adjusting pressures on the play field.



d. FPS (feet per second)/Joule limits will be strictly enforced. All airsoft weapons to be used will be checked and tagged prior to the beginning of the first game using biodegradable .20 gram bbs, with the Hop-up turned off, in your magazine. Players may also be chosen at random for a chronograph spot check. Specific rules for all airsoft weapons follow. UNREGULATED gas-powered airsoft replicas (excluding pistols) are not permitted for play; they have too much volatility when not kept in check with the proper regulator. AT NO TIME SHALL SPEED REDUCERS BE ALLOWED to decrease any gun's fps to fall under fps limits whilst chronographing. Any modifications made to your airsoft weapon after being chronographed found to increase your FPS or rate of fire is not permitted.



e. Airsoft weapons classifications:



RIFLEMAN: Any pistol, intermediate rifle, or full sized rifle (excluding SMG's) not exceeding 400fps, or 1.5 joules max, and set to semi-automatic only.



SUBMACHINE GUNS/SMG  (MP4, P90, etc.): Must be true to class and have pistol caliber magazines only. No weapon allowed in this class that uses an intermediate caliber (Ask if in doubt). Full auto permitted /a>not exceeding 300fps, or 1 joule max, with a 20' minimum engagement distance.



LMG's/SSW (Squad Support Weapon)(M249, RPK, M60): Full auto permitted not exceeding 400fps, or 1.5 joules max, with a 50' minimum engagement distance. Can be used in RIFLEMAN role if in semi-automatic only.



DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle): 401-450fps, or 1.78 joules max, with a 50' minimum engagement distance, and set to semi-automatic only.



SNIPER: Bolt action and a few semi-automatics allowed (i. e. SVD). Velocity not to exceed 500fps, or 2.31 joules max, with a 100' minimum engagement distance.



We reserve the right to disallow any airsoft weapon without reason.



Biodegradable BBs are mandatory. There are no exceptions.



All "real steel" firearms, explosives, and bladed weapons are prohibited on entire facility.



f.Any violation of any rule may result in immediate and/or permanent removal from the facility without refund.


4.1 Technical Rules


a. Technicals are defined as any vehicle that has been approved by Milsim Mercs staff to operate within the event. Only approved owners of these vehicles may operate them. Any vehicle that has not been approved for use by the staff will not be allowed during the event.​


b.Technical drivers cannot be shot or engaged. Although gunners or passengers of the technical can be engaged and eliminated.


c. Gunners that are struck with a bb must be down for 30 seconds and may return to his/her gunner role.


d. Eliminating a technical requires an approved form of elimination. The vehicle must be either struck by an approved device (taginn, chalk rnds etc) or may be eliminated if a grenade is thrown within 10 ft of the vehicle.


e. Do not place grenades or rounds within the technicals and only engage technicals at approved distances.


f. Vehicles are to never travel over the speed of 5mph


g. Technicals must me equipped with a form to prevent projectiles from hitting the diver, ie glass, wire mesh etc.


5.1 Pyro/Grenades


a. The use of pyro equipment and grenades is allowed but must be created and intended for airsoft use.


b. no homemade grenades, launchers, or pyro is permitted unless approved and deemed safe by Milsim Mercs staff.


6.1 Camping


a. Campsites are available for anyone attending the event. Campsites are located on the outside of the gates and fencing of Brushy Mountain and will be marked by signs. Campsites will be conveniently located to the check-in and chrono tent.


b. Campsites are primitive meaning there is no power or plumbing. Porta potties will be conveniently located by the campsites.


c. Quiet times, there are no quiet times, Milsim Mercs events are known for running late into the night. We ask the common law or respect, respect your neighbors and keep sound down when it is late into the night.


d. Large fires (bon fires) are not authorized in or around the campground or in the field. Small personal fires are authorized.


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