High Noon Competition
March 14th 12-2 p.m.
12 P.M.
Safety Brief
The High Noon competition is a sidearm event only.
Anyone who wishes to participate will notify the admin at check in and chrono their name will be added to the bracket.
Each contestant will stand at an approved 20 paces and on the order DRAW they will draw and engage with one round and one round only.
if neither contestant is struck with a bb they will reholster and await for the next DRAW command.
winner of the competition will receive extra raffle entries and and item from the old west.
End of comp.
Quick Draw Competition
March 14th 2-4 p.m.​
2 P.M.
Safety Brief
The Quick Draw competition is open to any Frontiersman or woman who wants to participate.
In this competition you will be timed on how fast you draw your weapon and engage six targets. This competition will be at the shooting range.
timer begins when you draw your weapon points will be deducted if a target is missed.
The winner will get extra raffle entries and something from the wild west!
4 P.M.
End of Comp